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İçten Diş Açılmış Tespit Pimi

Gardette - icten-dis-ac-lm-s-tespit-pimi

Özellik seçimi

Üzerindeki özel malzemelerimizi keşfedin :Exofix.uk.com
(titanyum, duplex, monel, inconel...)
Model - Dowel pins with internal thread
Malzeme - Dowel pins with internal thread
Cap - Dowel pins with internal thread
Uzunluk - Dowel pins with internal thread
Dayanıklılık - Dowel pins with internal thread
Tapping - Dowel pins with internal thread
Miktar :

Standart temel özellikler

Designation : Internal threaded dowel pins
Usual standards : DIN 7979, ISO 8735
Standard material : Hardening steel 58-62HRC
Comments : Internal threaded dowel pins for easy extraction. Ground diameter m6. Other materials and tolerances on request.

See the pins boxed sets


Material = 9SMnPb28K or 100Cr6 hardness income 58-62 HRC




4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 25 30
M M3 M3 M4 M5 M6 M6 M8 M8 M10 M10 M16 M20
L 10 10                    


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